• DNA testing creates individual profiles from your unique genetic markers, which can identify biological family, determine relationships, and assess genetic conditions. The Reconnecting Cambodia project is only interested in DNA to reunite families.

  • A DNA test can provide crucial information to help you reconnect with lost family members. The test analyzes your genetic profile to generate an ethnicity estimate and a "match list" of people with whom you share DNA.

  • To reunite families we need to increase the demand for DNA testing among Cambodians. This will expand the Khmer DNA pool, resulting in more accurate matches and a greater chance of finding close relatives. We are building our own informational database of participating families, which is different from the DNA profiling databases of major commercial DNA companies. Our access to these databases is our greatest genealogical asset, allowing us to match you with millions who have tested globally.

  • Yes, anyone of Cambodian or part-Cambodian ethnicity can apply for a test to join our Reconnecting Cambodia project.

  • If you are of Cambodian origins, you can apply for a free DNA test by contacting us here. Click on the appropriate choice for you.

  • No problem - for free, it is possible to transfer your RAW DNA files into other DNA company databases - though not all. If you send us your downloaded files and have filled in a consent form here, we will upload and manage them to our MyHeritage, FamilyTreeDNA and Gedmatch accounts, to access millions of other potential matches. You will be able to view your newly created profiles. Ideally, you want to be on every database if you are searching for someone. You have to buy separate test kits from Ancestry and 23andMe to access their databases. Alternatively email us with any questions at info@reconnectingcambodia.org

  • If you have consented to the Reconnecting Cambodia project to manage your DNA profile or upload your RAW DNA profiles into our accounts with MyHeritage, FamilyTreeDNA and Gedmatch, we will contact you when the results are ready. We will invite you to view your newly generated DNA profile, help you interpret the information and guide you through the next steps. The advantage of being a member of our project, is that we check for new matches regularly, facilitate any contact to protect you with anyone wanting to get in touch, and ultimately, make sure you are appropriately supported throughout the process of a reunion.

  • There are a lot of misunderstandings about what commercial DNA testing companies can and cannot do with your DNA sample. We feel confident with the level of privacy afforded by the companies we are using, keeping in mind that you shed DNA daily as you go about your day to day life. We ask that you read the terms of service for the company whose kit we provide. You can find our main sponsor MyHeritage’s here. If you are at all uncomfortable with the terms, do not proceed with testing. If you prefer, you can test under a pseudonym or initials to remain anonymous. Book a consultation with us if you prefer at info@reconnectingcambodia.org.

  • We take privacy very seriously. Information about applicants and participants will not be shared with any 3rd party outside our DNA family (Reconnecting Cambodia, DNACambodia and KFCO (all operating under local country law and regulations) and all details will remain strictly confidential.

    See also our Privacy Policy here.

  • Safeguarding your wellbeing is our top priority. We work closely with partner organizations and trauma experts, with the aim to provide the necessary emotional and psychological support throughout your search and during reunion aftercare.

  • Your DNA is your DNA. We, the Reconnecting Cambodia project, only manage your DNA data after you have given your permission via the consent form. We assert no rights to your DNA. Participating members can request to see how the data is used, and request deletion of their DNA profile from the project at any time by contacting us at info@reconnectingcambodia.org.

    Please read our Privacy Policy for more info about how your data is used here.

  • The Reconnecting Cambodia project consists ofReconnecting Cambodia (UK), DNACambodia (Netherlands), and KFCO (Cambodia). We are a family tracing service using DNA testing for the only purpose of reuniting Cambodian families globally, who have been separated by war, genocide, poverty and adoption.

    What you would be agreeing to when signing the consent form can be seen here in more detail.


A much as would wish it, we cannot guarantee you will find close relatives. Additionally, DNA testing may reveal unexpected facts about your family, which could have a strong emotional impact. By participating, you assume all risks associated with this service.