DNA is full of good surprises!
Cambodian artist Dayanny So (created DNACambodia’s logo and inspired Reconnecting Cambodia’s logo) and Co-founder Li-Da discover they are related after 10 yrs’s friendship.
Explore cultural ancestry.
Jean Paul Ly is an actor (Jailbreak) and filmmaker is all the more interested in his Cambodian ancestry as a 2nd generation child of a refugees living in France.
Sokha’s interview.
Sokha ended up in the UK and was asked ‘How does not knowing your history affect your mental health?’, ‘Why recommend this DNA service?’, ‘Describe your DNA experience’, ‘Why take part in the project'?’ and ‘Why does DNA give you hope?’.
Helping out the project has surprising results.
Sokda never knew how many children her late auntie had. Her DNA matches what looks like her first cousin.
Yanny endorses RC’s mission.
Dayanny So’s interview: What does the logo represent? Why join the project? Why is this DNA project so important? One test contributes to the wider mission to reconnect families.